Dear colleagues,
Please find below the overview of future CPD events held in Europe, as populated by member associations in the FIT Europe Shared Calendar.
To view the full calendar of events, click here
Feel free to add it to your own Google calendar for easier visualization.
Would you like your event to appear in the coming newsletter? Add it to the calendar for increased visibility/participation! We definitely need more CPD events from more members to make the calendar even more relevant. Get in touch with FIT Europe to get instructions about how to populate the calendar.
| [ENG] What’s the best way to do that in Trados / Online Webinar A Trados clinic – for translators / Online Webinar | 12/5/2023 11:00:00 | Remote | Check CPD Calendar or ITI website for details – ( |
| [ENG] Working as a technical translator / Online Short Course | 12/6/2023 11:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Interview with John Worne, CEO of the CIOL – AIT – UK | 12/8/2023 10:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ES] «Ciclo «Cómo seducir a un traductor» (I). Charla sobre las relaciones LGTBI en novela romántica.». | ASETRAD – Madrid. | 12/12/2023 17:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ES] «Ciclo «Cómo seducir a un traductor». (II) ¿Traducir escenas de sexo es tan divertido como parece? | ASETRAD – Madrid. | 12/13/2023 17:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ES] «‘Me siento un fraude’. Ansiedad e inseguridad, las piezas claves del síndrome del impostor». | ASETRAD – Madrid. | 12/14/2023 17:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Deconstructing the “In flow of words”: lessons learned for interpreters … – AIT – UK | 12/16/2023 14:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ES] Ciclo «Cómo seducir a un traductor» (III). La gracia de la traducción. | ASETRAD – Madrid. | 12/19/2023 17:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ES] Mesa redonda del ciclo «Cómo seducir a un traductor». | ASETRAD – Madrid. | 12/21/2023 17:00:00 | Remote | |
| [FR] Répondre aux appels d’offres | SFT Services | Angers (France) | 1/12/2024 8:00:00 | In-person | |
| Sketch Engine – OneClick Terms | 1/17/2024 13:00:00 | Remote | Check CPD Calendar or ITI website for details – ( |
| [EN] The effects of interpreting traumatic speaker content for the interpreter – AIT – UK | 1/20/2024 11:00:00 | Remote | |
| [FR] | Initiation à SDL Trados, niveau débutant | SFT Services | Lyon (France) | 1/26/2024 8:00:00 | In-person | |
| [EN] Cyber Security – AIT – UK | 1/30/2024 13:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ENG] memoQ – AI insights for project managers in translation and localisation / Online Webinar | 2/1/2024 13:00:00 | Remote | |
| [En] Advancing your scientific writing / Online Short Course / ITI / UK | 2/7/2024 10:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Interpreting for Children and Young People applying for asylum in the UK – AIT – UK | 2/8/2024 13:30:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Practical Ethics in Medical Interpreting – AIT – UK | 2/16/2024 14:00:00 | Remote | |
| Your options when the client doesn’t pay I Online Webinar | 2/20/2024 14:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Organised Crime Groups – AIT – UK | 2/27/2024 13:00:00 | Remote | |
| Words that wow I Online Webinar | 3/5/2024 14:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] A Guide to Fraud Prevention – AIT – UK | 3/12/2024 9:00:00 | Remote | |
| [ENG] Subtitling for beginners / Online Short Course | 4/18/2024 10:00:00 | Remote | |
| LinkedIn for translators: real tactics for real results I Online Workshop | 5/17/2024 14:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Domestic Violence and Abuse – AIT – UK | 5/20/2024 12:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] ITI Conference 2024 / Hybrid Event – ITI – Edinburgh and online | 6/4/2024 9:00:00 | Hybrid | |
| [EN] Exploring Professional Supervision and the benefits it brings – AIT – UK | 6/20/2024 13:00:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Note-taking for consecutive interpreting: active listening and memorising – AIT – UK | 7/8/2024 9:30:00 | Remote | |
| [EN] Note-taking for consecutive interpreting: what to note down and how. – AIT – UK | 7/29/2024 9:30:00 | Remote | |