FIT Europe General Meeting, 9 September 2021 (online)
Webinar, 26 July 2021: "Sound tasting webinar: learning to tell poor sound from good"
The first webinar on this topic. Organised due to popular demand following the highly successful webinar in October 2020 on toxic sound and RSI
Webinar, 18 January 2021: "Sorting Hype from Reality: Machine Translation"
A webinar for members of the Boards of FIT Europe’s member associations about how to identify hype and reality when it comes to machine translation
Webinar, 2 October 2020: "Does this sound right? Understanding the acoustics and health implications of RSI"
- Access the webinar here
FIT Europe Annual Meeting and Pre-Meeting Event, 4-5 October 2019, Vienna, Austria
Translation and Interpreting in Crisis Settings, 21 June 2019, Athens, Greece
- Final Programme
- Press Release (English)
- Press Release (Greek)
- Videos
- Opening remarks
- Keynote
- First Panel: Translation and Interpreting in Health Settings
- Opening remarks
- Elena Petelos: Key communication considerations in crisis settings
- Eirini Gerogli : The role of the Health Mediator. Examples from IOM’s health programmes
- Sotiris Papakonstantinou: Language barriers in primary healthcare
- Concluding Q&A session
- Second Panel: Training and educating interpreters in crisis settings
- Opening remarks
- Anthi Wiedenmeyer: The Tramig Project
- Maria Petrocheilou: Training community interpreters: challenges and focus points
- Pat Cadwell: Crisis Translation and Interpreting: Reasons and methods for
training - Fani Keramida: Special presentation: Ministry for Migration Policy actions with
regard to intercultural mediation - Concluding Q&A session
- Third Panel: Translation and interpreting in reception centre settings
- Opening remarks
- Nikolaos Rangos: Crisis response to irregular migration and refugee flows
- Abdel Nur Allous: Interpreting for refugees: Realities and challenges for a community interpreter
- Dimitrios Pagidas: Interpreter-mediated communication in the Greek hotspots: EASO’s Experience
- Athina Balopoulou: Special presentation: The European Migration Network
- Concluding Q&A session
- Fourth Panel: Translation and interpreting in judicial settings
- Opening remarks
- Vassilis Papastergiou: Interpreting in criminal proceedings in Greece: guarantees and rights
- Maurizio Veglio: Murmuring on Heaven’s Door: Tribute to the Voice of the Outcasts
- Concluding Q&A session
- Wrap-up